Posted on Feb 23, 2017

Okay fans - right off the start I have to alert you: if you've not seen last week's episode you are going to be hit with spoilers in the photos at the bottom of this post, so be warned. If you are among the many who saw the second Mallory episode last Sunday then you are going to love these photos.
The photo at the top of this blog is of Jessica Amlee - who we can all agree channeled her inner Mallory and was wonderful in her return last Sunday - and director Gail Harvey, who helmed both of Mallory's episodes.
We've a lot of things to get at but first I am going to announce a giveaway to anyone in Canada, and all you really have to do is listen to the Heartland Music stream on CBC Radio.
I am very excited to offer a chance for you to win one of 11 (Yeah I know - 11. Ha!) prizes, each consisting of both Jenn Grant's latest album - Paradise (which is being released March 3) - and her wonderful album from ten years ago, Orchestra for the Moon.
Orchestra for the Moon will always be special to Heartland, for it contains two songs that were featured in the series, White Horses, and of course the main title song, Dreamer, which has been heard at the beginning of every episode of Canada's longest running one-hour dramatic series.
To receive one of the eleven pairs of Jenn's albums we are giving away, listen to the Heartland Music stream on CBC Radio and when you hear either Dreamer or White Horses send an email to Heartland.Season.X@gmail.com. In the subject heading simply put the time (your local time) either song was played and in the body of the email put in your name and address, including your postal code. Please only enter once; emailing in more than once will disqualify you from winning. We are going to keep this giveaway opportunity open until midnight ET on Sunday, March 5 (the date the next new episode of Heartland airs on CBC). A random draw will be made from everyone who sends in a time when one of Jenn Grant's songs was heard on the Heartland Music stream on CBC Radio.
Because the CBC Music streaming service only works in Canada you have to be Canadian to be eligible for one of the prizes.
Now as part of Jenn's new album release, she is going to be performing across Canada starting in March. Here are the dates, venues and communities where she will be performing... 
Mar 15 - Petit Campus - Montreal, QC
Mar 18 - Aeolian Hall - London, ON
Mar 22 - Starlight - Waterloo, ON
Mar 24 - The Great Hall - Toronto, ON
Mar 25 - National Arts Centre - Ottawa, ON
Mar 27 - The Park Theatre – Winnipeg, MB
Mar 28 - Artesian - Regina, SK
Mar 30 - The Bassment - Saskatoon, SK
Mar 31 - The Rec Room - Edmonton, AB
April 3 - The Spirit Bar - Nelson, BC
April 5 - Dinghy Doc Pub – Nanaimo, BC
April 6 - The Waverly – Cumberland, BC
April 7 - Sugar Nightclub - Victoria, BC
April 8 - Biltmore Cabaret - Vancouver, BC
April 27 - Florence Simmons Hall - Charlottetown, PE
April 29 - Evergreen Theatre -  Margaretsville, NS
May 6 - Lunenberg Opera House - Lunenberg, NS
May 13 - Rebecca Cohn Theatre - Halifax, NS
If one of the dates works for you I strongly encourage you to see Jenn in concert. She wows crowds wherever she goes and this new tour of hers is highly anticipated. For all ticket and tour information please go to www.jenngrant.com/live.
So then, as some of you know, there is no new episode this Sunday. That is because although there was a new episode aired against the Super Bowl and against the Grammys, the Academy Awards on Sunday would have a major effect on the number of viewers, so - just like when there was no new episode against the Grey Cup - CBC is skipping a week. That does not mean there will not be a Heartland episode playing. Episode 1002 - You Just Know - will be repeated on February 26.If you are not into watching the Oscars perhaps you might want to catch those twin foals again.
But even though there is not a new episode this Sunday, every Sunday in March will have a brand new episode of Heartland at its regular time of 7:00pm / 7:30pm in Newfoundland. There are four remaining new episodes of television's favourite family series to air on CBC, and they will do so as follows...
March 5: Episode 1015 - Forest for the Trees
March 12: Episode 1016 - A Long Shot
March 19: Episode 1017 - Dreamer
March 26: Episode 1018 - Greater Expectations
There have recently been a few mix ups in some of the television guides, so if what you see above is not the same on your schedule, you know that the one to trust is the one posted by your favourite Blog Whisperer.
I have one other announcement to make and I think it's pretty exciting! A few weeks ago official Heartland apparel was launched, with hoodies available in Canada. Well, I am pleased to say that there is a little more variety now, as shirts have been added to the choices of clothing you can purchase. And (I should capitalize that, so...) AND orders can now be placed from the United States as well as from Canada. If you want to check it out (and I think you'll want to do so) go to WearHeartland.com.
Well I've crammed in a lot for a Thursday that is not in front of a new episode. I'll be doing the same next Thursday, but that one WILL be in front of the next new episode in the continuing saga we all know and love as Heartland.
Until then I remain, as always, obediently yours.
